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Indoor Produce Pop-up

Curated by Mush Love Supply

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We are bringing the best REAL food that Texas has to offer, straight to your door.

Produce, gourmet mushrooms and supplements, farm fresh eggs, fudge and much more are arrive to you, directly!

Why us?

We are not just mushroom farmers. . .

. . .we are real food advocates.

We know that real food doesn't need to wear an expensive label to be good.

We know that real food tastes better because it has a higher nutrient density.

We know that real food doesn't need to be irradiated or doused in chemicals.

We know that real food works best LOCALLY.


However, we also know that accessing real food for millions means driving 45 minutes, trying to get there before closing time or paying a mega-corporation an arm and a leg to buy food that (you hope) meets your standards.


What we found, is that the farmers making good food are already there. They're just too busy...well...farming.  In order to produce amazing food, they also need a consistent way to sell it while it's at peak freshness.


With our extensive experience in selling at farmers markets, renovating markets and running pop-up events we are in the perfect position to bring an added amenity of REAL GOOD food to your apartment complex.


You do what you do best and let us be your trusted ally in integrating real food to your daily life.

How to get started!

For those who want to buy from us. . .

If we are already coming to your location, then just reach out to your property manager or building staff for what days we will be in your building.


For apartments, businesses and organizations. . .
Please email to inquire about having us run a booth at your location.


If you'd like to see us in your building...

If you're interested in us bringing our booth to your building, please send an email with your name, the building address and a good point of contact for us to coordinate with.

Get in Touch

(346) 298-4265

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